CCRC is soliciting offers to purchase and redevelop the former Taxation Building located at 50 Barrack Street in Trenton. The Property is a 10-story office building of approximately 230,000 square feet on a 0.55-acre parcel at the corner of Barrack Street and West State Street. Learn more here.


Update to CCRC Renaissance Plan, Adopted 12/21/21

The Capital City Redevelopment Corporation (CCRC) has engaged in a process to update its Renaissance Plan.


The Renaissance Plan was first adopted in 1989 to fuel economic development within Trenton’s Capital District and to make the area a more attractive place to live, work, play, and conduct business.

The update is designed to reflect changes in the social, economic, and natural environment over the last 30 years and to provide a guide for the Capital District into the future.

Approved at the CCRC Board of Directors Meeting on December 21, 2021


For more information on the public adoption process for the Renaissance Plan update, please click here.


NJEDA and CCRC Form Partnership to Advance Economic Development Activity in the Capital District

CCRC was created pursuant to N.J.S.A 52:9Q-9 et seq. to plan, coordinate, and promote the public and private development within a capital district defined in the Act, consisting of those portions of the City of Trenton that serve as the commercial center of the community and in which public buildings and historic sites are located.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in August 2014, NJEDA is providing staff to advance the mission of the CCRC and to assist in carrying out the policies and directions of CCRC with respect to activities for which CCRC has statutory authority. This includes, but is not limited to, undertaking activities as a municipal redevelopment entity or redeveloper and administrative and support services to meet the needs of the CCRC and to coordinate economic development projects with state and local partners.

Click here to view the MOU between CCRC and NJEDA.


Video Courtesy of City of Trenton and Lora Productions